
Our security services, powered by Orange Cyberdefense, support you to manage risks across the digital life-cycle.

Turn data into a true business asset with end-to-end intelligence solutions

To seize new opportunities with the right strategy and support, analyzing and understanding this data is essential


Applying the right tools, like artificial intelligence


Result in improved customer experience, operational excellence


Orange cyberdefence

Your environment requires a strong defense line

Be protected

Tackle the threats

Everything valuable must be protected while ensuring availability to the organization and third parties as defined by you. Any downtime could have a direct impact on revenue and a negative effect on your brand image. Detection and reaction to threats in real-time is as essential to your organization as your managed security infrastructure.


Evaluate your options and your choices

Your growing cloud applications and data must be as secure as your on-premise equipment. The diversity of technologies within your infrastructure, from mobile to broadband, makes it hard to ensure the appropriate levels of security. It’s essential to protect your activities from Internet attacks and your internal network at the perimeter.


Your environment requires a strong defense line

Security solutions

Security solutions should be user friendly with no impact on anyone’s productivity

Easy to manage

They should be easy to manage for your IT security teams

Secure access

Provide secure access to your corporate resources and cloud applications.


Your mobile fleet needs protection


Being tied to any one particular vendor or technology can be hazardous in the fast-paced environment of security


Being tied to any one particular vendor or technology can be hazardous in the fast-paced environment of security

We employ 2,100+ cyber security experts

At Orange Business Services, we know how to connect your objects safely. We employ 2,100+ cyber security experts within our Orange Cyberdefense organization, and we partner with other security specialist providers who can add value to our offers.

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